Name: Frosty #413
Team: All-Stars, Danger Dolls
How did you start skating?
Started in Greensboro, NC with Gate City, 2010
What position do you prefer to play?
Blocker. Jammer if asked. 🙂
What do you do off the track?
I am a Sign Language interpreter.
What are some of your favorite things?
I love the snow! Love old school board games, and being in the beautiful out-of-doors! Love my Old English Sheepdog, and being unplugged!
What keeps you skating in spite of the challenges that come between you and derby?
I love learning new things, and seeing the progression the team makes! It’s cool to see personal growth on skates too!
Any derby-related injuries?
I fell hard in a scrimmage this one time and incurred major whiplash….the x-ray showed a straight spine where it should have been curved at the neck…muscle relaxers are not my friend-I felt like a zombie!