PPRD Logo Contest


If you haven’t heard, Pikes Peak Derby Dames are excited to share that we are changing our name to Pikes Peak Roller Derby to more accurately represent our community and the evolvement of the sport!

Our league is committed to diversity, equity and inclusivity. As such, we recognize that “Dames” is not demonstrative of the inclusivity that we value. We are committed to inclusive and anti-discriminatory practices in regard to all transgender women, intersex women, and gender expansive participants.  We are excited to introduce a name that is better representative of our diverse league.

In preparation for our rebranding, we are launching a contest for design of our new logo!

The requirements for design submission are as follows

  • Should display “Pikes Peak Roller Derby” or “PPRD”
  • File must be in vector, and either PNG or JPG format
  • Must have transparent background
  • Provide color and black and white versions
  • Color version must include these color codes
    • #e72279 – Pink
    • 75b840 – Green
    • #000000 – Black
  • Horizontal, vertical, and square versions are encouraged but not required

The winner will get two passes to the 2022 bout of their choice, and a swag bag!

Please submit entries to marketing@pikespeakderbydames.com by August 1, 2022.